Recipe Newsletter

Welcome to the Manis Passion recipe newsletter. I am not a chef, but I love to cook. When there was an opportunity for me to get into culinary art, I choose art that I was not passionate about after I got it. I did not let this bother me. I continued with my passion for cooking and finding recipes from all over the globe. I have travelled extensively and taste various recipes, seafood, vegetarian, Mediterranean, Chinese, and quite a few to mention all here. I would like you to join my newsletter, where I will share some of the tips that will make you enjoy and, at the same time, be conscious of its health and nutritional benefits.

Many are turning into vegetarians for apparent reasons. I am traditionally a vegetarian but never shied away from tasting dishes that were not vegetarian. Manis Passion’s recipe blog will attempt to share many mouth-watering, aromatic recipes that you can read and try and prepare in your kitchen.

I would love to welcome some of your cooking delights and share them with me in a column separately created to benefit my other subscribers to this newsletter.

Looking forward to seeing you inside.



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